Sunday, 25 July 2010

I've been busy in London this week. It's been fun. Especially going to agencies with portfolios. For one we brought doughnuts and beers, for another we brought ice cream.

On Thursday evening I picked my parents up at Gatwick. They're here for my graduation ceremony. Ups and downs.

I've also photographed my neighbours' dog, gone to a gig and to Cranks' 3rd birthday party. Some pictures:

Monday, 19 July 2010


The Marina!

Tide map!

My shadow and unidentified floating things!

Taking off! (I know that's technically a plane term but I'm not familiar with English boating terminology)

A bird!

A speed limit! (Not that we needed one. Boat could only do 4.5 knots, we tried)

Sailors giving up!

Men doing Men Things!

Putting up sails! (Also giving up, taking them down again)

Bye bye pier, bye bye boat trip!

Saturday, 17 July 2010

I haven't got any internet at home at the moment. This means my week's been filled with boring but necessary things that I've put off doing for ages. It also means I haven't taken many pictures, but here are a few.

It was really windy the other day and I went down to the sea. I love Brighton when it's windy; sometimes the wind is so strong it feels like it's gonna push you over.

There wasn't a lot of people out, just a couple of kite surfers…

... and me!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Simon came down from Scotland on his way to Bristol. He was happy, talked about guitars, bought a guitar, played the guitar and then we went looking for his missing base guitar. We located the house where said guitar was supposed to be kept, managed to get in but sadly didn't get to the guitar. But there were other things, such as a garden (after taking this picture I noticed my lens was still very dirty from the stormy sea experience, hence the fuzzy romantic light) and a birdcage with big feathers.

And then a slightly annoyed/exasperated Simon in the nice light in the front room. Apparently quirky birdcages and Swedes with cameras aren't a good enough substitute for guitars; funny that...

Now I feel a cold coming on and if I could I'd snuggle up in my bed and watch some True Blood episodes, but alas.... Although it's probably a good thing. My dreams have been getting weird lately and I think I can safely blame that on my True Blood overdose. Also I should probably just have an early night; I'm the biggest pain in the ass ever when I'm ill (á la 'NOBODY HAS EVER BEEN THIS ILL EVER POOR MEEE') so I should make sure I get enough sleep so that doesn't happen.

Next week's gonna be really busy as my parents will come down from Sweden but I'll try and publish something, even if it's just a photo of a train or London Bridge or something equally exciting...


Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Last week we did the musical at work. Kaja & Laia were pretty ladies in pretty hats. I played a bike wheel and I whistled. Shame you weren't there!

Saturday, 10 July 2010

Hadn't seen Josh for ages so we decided to meet up at Cranks to sort our bikes out and then go for a ride. Tom joined and we went to Rottingdean for a swim, picking another Tom up in the Marina.

Sooo warm. Hot even.

On our way home we stopped by at Tom no 2 to see his beagle puppy Lily. 6 weeks old. So lovely. I nearly cried. What is it about cute little animals.... we were even impressed by her taking a shit. Must be love.

It's so warm. Sun, Anita and banana plants.

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Yesterday I took the train to Guildford... see my friend F, one of my favourite people who'd come all the way from Hong Kong. Despite having been in meetings for 12 hours he was happy as always; he belongs to that lovely Josh category of people. And he was good with good things happening in his life which made me glad.
I hereby give you posing and photoshop:

Then we found a field for me to jump in! Then we got lost. When in Guildford Google maps can't be trusted, it turns out...

F didn't jump. He did spin once but the photo didn't come out that good.

Today the skies are grey but it's still pretty warm. I'm off to hang out with more great people. Dear friends; I love you. And yes I'm cheesy. It's allowed.

Sunday, 4 July 2010

Yesterday I had breakfast at the vegan café by the Level with George (who now looks like someone who listens to Bonnie Prince Billy a lot) and Lottie.

Lottie managed to match both the ketchup and the blind.

And poppies that must not be touched.

Then me, Lottie and Jeff walked to Hove as well but I didn't take any pictures. We were sunbathing and now my back is burned in patches. I'll grow old and die before I learn, with many interesting sunburns to come...

Friday, 2 July 2010

It's July now! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for work that might come, apart from that I listen to Bob Dylan a lot and watch True Blood a lot (a LOT). Sometimes I swim.