Sunday, 25 July 2010

Monday, 19 July 2010

Saturday, 17 July 2010
I haven't got any internet at home at the moment. This means my week's been filled with boring but necessary things that I've put off doing for ages. It also means I haven't taken many pictures, but here are a few.
It was really windy the other day and I went down to the sea. I love Brighton when it's windy; sometimes the wind is so strong it feels like it's gonna push you over.
There wasn't a lot of people out, just a couple of kite surfers…
... and me!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Simon came down from Scotland on his way to Bristol. He was happy, talked about guitars, bought a guitar, played the guitar and then we went looking for his missing base guitar. We located the house where said guitar was supposed to be kept, managed to get in but sadly didn't get to the guitar. But there were other things, such as a garden (after taking this picture I noticed my lens was still very dirty from the stormy sea experience, hence the fuzzy romantic light) and a birdcage with big feathers.
And then a slightly annoyed/exasperated Simon in the nice light in the front room. Apparently quirky birdcages and Swedes with cameras aren't a good enough substitute for guitars; funny that...
Now I feel a cold coming on and if I could I'd snuggle up in my bed and watch some True Blood episodes, but alas.... Although it's probably a good thing. My dreams have been getting weird lately and I think I can safely blame that on my True Blood overdose. Also I should probably just have an early night; I'm the biggest pain in the ass ever when I'm ill (á la 'NOBODY HAS EVER BEEN THIS ILL EVER POOR MEEE') so I should make sure I get enough sleep so that doesn't happen.
Next week's gonna be really busy as my parents will come down from Sweden but I'll try and publish something, even if it's just a photo of a train or London Bridge or something equally exciting...
Wednesday, 14 July 2010
Saturday, 10 July 2010

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Sunday, 4 July 2010