Wednesday, 23 February 2011

I miss the Swedish woods. This is a photo of my mum from last summer. If you're observant (and click to enlarge) you can see that she's matched her glasses with the foliage. We're very fashion aware, you know, us Swedes.


Friday, 18 February 2011

Gabriel came to visit! He has left his cabin in the Swedish woods (literally!) to come and live in London. The slightly religious look in his eyes is from watching the starlings fly over the derelict pier in the sunset.

(In case you have no idea what I'm talking about, there's more info about the starlings here or click the image below, they're a very pretty sight indeed)

(Starlings photo by Mike Hewitt/Getty)


Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Soo, another man; lovely photographer; sofa - but not from the archive, this is brand new. Shot yesterday!
Was a bit nervous about shooting Ben, always am when I'm taking pictures of photographers (probably because they actually know what I'm doing, can't bullshit), but I'm quite happy with this one. I like all the lines...
It's been a while since I shot anything on the 'Blad so was a bit rusty but went alright and god I love it. My Nikon DSLR doesn't compare at all...

(I recommend clicking this one to enlarge it...)

Ben's got a blog and even if he's about as slack about updating his as I am, I still think you should check it out - here!


Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Whilst we're on the subject; another old photo, another friend and fellow great photographer, Simon. Website here. I seem to remember he was getting fed up with modelling at this point...

As much as I love my scanner it seems to have a slight problem with b/w - the Tri-X grain just transforms into pixelated horribleness and the pictures go grey and dull... (ok this might be slightly underexposed but stiiiiill) Good to know and not that much of a problem I guess since I hardly ever shoot black and white.

Happy Tuesday!


Sunday, 6 February 2011

I know it might seem like it sometimes but I don't just take pictures of men - although they are a favourite subject...

To continue the black and white spiel; here's another couple from the archive. They're really old (well 5-6 years or so) and it's the first time I've done anything with them, nice to see them up big. Julia is a friend and fellow photographer - and a very good one at that, check her out here!
