WHOA what a slacker I'm being with my blog posts. I think it's mostly because I'm so frustrated about not being able to get the 6x7 stuff scanned and published. Might resort to buying my own scanner which is very, very tempting at the moment. Especially as I've just ordered a new focus screen - split screen one! - for my Hasselblad which means even more film stuff coming up...
Anyway; one from the digital archives meanwhile. Mum in the woods, just in the middle of blinking.

Oh and the other day I went to London and won 'best emerging photographer' at the get-together arranged by the e-creative guys! Well chuffed! So happy to be selected to participate to begin with, and then winning the photography category was of course even better!! There were lots of lovely people (and lots of lovely canapes...) and I had a very nice evening. Yays!